Friday, September 21, 2007

10-97 and What it Means

10-97 is a police radio code meaning that an officer has arrived at a crime scene. This is an important transmission when it comes to being first on the scene and assessing a situation for himself or herself and others who will arrive later. Assessing news stories, ads, and magazine covers should be a standard operating procedure for any consumer who is on the scene, but how many young adults today would care about what Taco Bell's Dinky is doing and what power do we have as a consumer to change market driven images such as Dinky and keeping those marketing ideas from surfacing again? How many parents, regardless of socio-economic status and ethnicity told their children that Dinky is offensive or cute? Gabriel Chavez complained because he was the former president of the chapter of the League for United Latin American Citizens. The Mexicans didn't like the connotations of the ad, but how many whites complained? Who at Taco bell designed the ad? What was his or her ethnicity? Did he or she have a college degree? Did he or she take an ethics class in college? If he or she did, what were they thinking during that class? Was the CEO of Taco Bell a Mexican , white or of some other ethnicity?

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